AMC provides support in the development, documentation and implementation of business processes (with KPIs) and transformation to optimise operational efficiency:

♦  SOP development, enhancement & harmonization

– SOPs in procurement processes with risk assessment (low-risk purchases using a fast-track process and high-risk purchases using a robust process)

– SOPs in project management/risk assessment

– Conduct of “lessons learned” workshops to optimise working practices between different organisations (2 to 5 companies)

♦  Improving category group management of scientific equipment/products, travel, logistics, IT services/support and facility management – enabling savings of 5 to 40% according to category class

♦  Optimising operational tools


(1) Development of a Contracts Database (audited with positive endorsement by MHRA) enabling contract tracking, collection of internal metrics & Service Provider performance evaluation

(2) Upgrading e-Purchasing Tool – improved data analytics/spend analysis

(3) Governance portal with Preferred providers to share/exchange programme and operational information